ArcView 3.0 Import71


Create an Import71 shortcut link

Use windows to access ArcInfo coverages quicker


This procedure will allow the user to modify windows to automate importing coverages into Arcview


Double click on the E00 file

(ex. Faults.e00)

Since there should be no executable programs associated with e00 files, Windows should prompt you with an "open file using" dialog. From the open file dialog, navigate to <home>\ESRI\AV_GIS30\ARCVIEW\BIN32\import71.exe


Create a batchfile to access import function from the command line


Open a command prompt in the e00 directory. At the prompt:

D:\USGS>dir /b *.e00 > cnve00.bat


Edit the *.bat file to create command list.



(note: /T option suppresses GUI)

import71 altidnew.e00 altidnew /t

import71 altidnew2.e00 altidnew2 /t

import71 labels.e00 labels /t

import71 struct.all.e00 struc.all /t

import71 struct.e00 srtuct /t

import71 volmajor.e00 volmaj /t

import71 volminor.e00 volmin /t

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